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The project “Stressless Employees – Introducing the profile of Employee Satisfaction Officer to tackle work-related stress” (acronym “STREM”) is an initiative that aimed to develop a profile and competencies of an Employee Satisfaction Officer (ESO), that will lead the well-being activities in every company and communities of employees, in order to improve the well – being of the employees, that will exponentially improve their performance and the performance of the companies and the NGOs. At the beginning of the project, partners will implement researches in order to analyze case studies and the landscape of companies that applied tools which related to the well-being of the employees and will develop a certified program for ESO. Through the project STREM, partners will create the training path that target group will follow and explore innovative approaches and intervention for the promotion of mental health and combating mental illness in the workplace.


The overall outcome of the project from both societal and business perspective is to elaborate on the new job profile of the Employer Satisfaction Officer. From the firm’s point of view, reducing stress in the workplace can lead to an increase of productivity and lower turnover. From the societal’s point of view, by shortening the period of unemployment, sickness and/or early retirement, the percentage of economically unproductive to productive times during a person’s lifetime will be improved.

Our Role

Innovation Hive will be participating in all Intellectual Outputs and especially to the definition of competences and training modules on the Intellectual Outputs 1 & 2. Furthermore, our organisation will be the leader on the development of the Handbook and Manual for Employee Satisfaction Officers.
Impact: The overall project result shall be the development and introduction of a new job role Employer Satisfaction Officer. Healthy employees with a lack of stress will improve their productivity and the general performance of the entities. From the point of view of society, less stress will mean less depression, domestic violence, sickness or unemployment.

Implementation of employees well-being policies. Better mental health amount the citizens. Increase productivity and better economic results.


Project Name: STREM: Stressless Employees

Project ID: 2020-1-DE02-KA202-007495

Start Date: 01/09/2020

End Date: 31/08/2022


🇩🇪 Initiative for Sustainable Education and Development






🇮🇹  Youth Europe Service

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