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Digital sovereignty is a new concept in the digital era suggesting that parties should have sovereignty over their own digital data. On an individual level, digital sovereignty demonstrates the capacity of individuals to own their personal data and control its use. According to relevant empirical privacy studies (Acquisti et al., 2015), it is very clear that individuals find it difficult to make reasoned and rational decisions on their personal data due to behavioral bias and the complexity of the issue. Moreover, individuals demonstrate significant uncertainty about the importance of privacy due to difficulties in evaluating the relevant consequences derived from the intangible nature of the privacy harms. When it comes to VET teachers / trainers and their activities, the aspects of digital sovereignty and data / privacy protection become of even higher importance. Therefore, supporting VET teachers/trainers in becoming sovereign of their digital data and in enhancing their digital security skills serves a two-fold purpose:

  1. On an individual level, VET teachers/trainers will improve and enhance their knowledge and the available tools that will help them control and evaluate the use of their personal digital data and history.
  2. On a societal level, VET teachers/trainers will be enabled to teach and promote safer and more responsible use of digital technology. And this is exactly where DiSCVET project steps in aiming to develop a new innovative form of training content along with an online simulation platform that will empower VET teachers/trainers throughout Europe to develop and enhance their digital sovereignty and digital security skills as well as to enrich their portfolio with relevant training materials for teaching others on digital security topics.


Given the direction and purpose of digital skills and competences within current EU policy dialogue, Ursula von der Leyen has made it a core mission of her team’s mandate to “make Europe fit for the digital age”. The DiSCVET project aligns with this, as project outputs have been designed to provide transferable support, guidance and information on how the DiSCVET project outputs can be up scaled and replicated in other regions across Europe. DiSCVET project will build on the Digcomp Digital Competence Framework, which does not explicitly cover security from aggressive attacks, spam and scam tricks used to steal people’s data and information online, providing a newly established framework of competences for individuals’ digital sovereignty. Moreover, both the innovative training material and the interactive simulation exercises will provide to relevant European stakeholders and policy makers significant tools in order to further promote the issue of security in digital education environments and, therefore, creating significant impact at a European level:

Empowerment of end users, inspiring ICT teaching professionals and linking together all relevant and interested stakeholders in a living ecosystem; Policy implications will moving towards developing and constructively applying tailored digital competence frameworks to the benefit of European citizens; Move towards creating more forward-looking educational models to prepare societies for future digital challenges.

Our Role

Innovation Hive is the leading partner of IO2‘’DiSCVET online platform and training material on Digital Sovereignty Competences’’ activities with all project partners having a direct role in development, pilot and evaluation of the training material. Innovation Hive will have an active role in all project’s activities and will contribute in all project’s intellectual outputs. Furthermore, InnoHive will lead the development of the project’s Dissemination Plan & implementation of dissemination activities for the DiSCVET project.


Project Name: Development of the Digital Sovereignty Competences of VET teachers and trainers

Project ID: 2020-1-DE02-KA226-VET-008261

Start Date: 01/03/2021

End Date: 31/05/2023





🇫🇷 Petit Pas


🇸🇮 Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja, Maribor


🇨🇾 Vernian RTI




🇩🇪 Consult GbR

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