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Blockchain is at the heart of the EU strategy to advance digital transformation, benefit society and businesses, and foster sustainable growth. Blockchain market needs a large workforce with huge growth rates every year. However, VET has difficulties in keeping up with this process and curricula cannot be updated at the same pace. It is innovative for VET to train students with the features needed by the workforce with innovative and up-to-date and modern Blockchain Technology training modules that have not been done in any Erasmus project before. BCH4VET Project focuses on improving the digital skills of teachers and students with an innovative content that includes the Blockchain tech and applications, an assessment system that motivates learning and increases success by providing feedback to the student to measure and evaluate their achievements, and a gamification-based e-learning platform. In this way, BCH4VET is compatible with the DigCompEdu Framework and the Digital Education Action Plan developed by the EU Commission.


Innovative teaching materials will be developed in the field of Blockchain, in order to contribute to the problem of incompatibility with the workforce, which is one of the biggest problems of VET. The content of the training material will be developed in the concept of climate change, carbon footprint, green EU and ICT gender equality. With our project, it is expected that qualified students will be trained in the Blockchain, and a positive contribution to the workforce with the certificates. OUTPUT Indicators: Community engagement and support(100 enrollment(platforms, newsletters, workshops etc), 200 followers, 500likes for project social media, 2,4K visits of the project web site)

Our Role

Innovation Hive, as a key partner in the BCH4VET project, fulfills various essential roles. We are responsible for tasks such as needs analysis, report preparation, and budget allocation. Our crucial role extends to disseminating project information, participant selection, financial management, and active participation in project meetings. Furthermore, we play a significant role in public outreach, ensuring that project activities are widely publicized through local and national media as well as their corporate website. As social media managers, we hold a central role in amplifying the project’s presence and impact by strategically managing and promoting project-related content across various social media platforms, engaging with a broad and diverse audience, and effectively communicating the project’s objectives and achievements.


Project Name: Developing a European learning outcome-oriented modular VET programme and educational resources on Blockchain to address technical, non-technical and cross-discipline (horizontal) skills requirements

Project ID: 2022-1-NL01-KA220-VET-000087180

Start Date: 01/11/2022

End Date: 31/10/2024




🇮🇹 ExeoLab


🇹🇷 Innomate







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