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Boost Train Retain

The Boost Train& Retain project represents a crucial initiative that seeks to underscore the significance of applying Emotional Intelligence tools, skills, and strategies within the realm of Human Resources. With the global economy and training landscape experiencing substantial transformations, the project aims to serve as a catalyst for improving processes in these vital fields. Through extensive research and surveys targeting companies of diverse sizes and industries, it became evident that HR departments and trainers face an urgent need for enhanced training and skill development. HR managers expressed the need for strategy definition and the cultivation of soft skills. This project is poised to address precisely these requirements. Moreover, the project recognizes the importance of extending its impact to non-formal adult trainers and facilitators, who can bridge the skills gap by preparing individuals for HR roles. By doing so, Boost Train& Retain aspires to strengthen the selection and induction processes for HR professionals, thereby promoting talent retention and productivity, fostering sustainability in jobs and companies throughout Europe.

In summary, the core objectives of the Boost Train& Retain project encompass the establishment of a robust transnational network association comprising six organizations across European countries. This network will focus on promoting training and mentoring strategies for HR trainers and professionals, equipping HR departments with the competencies for talent motivation and retention, and empowering employees with self-motivation, self-leadership, and emotional self-management skills. Additionally, the project aims to bolster companies’ capacity for training and retention, aligning with the EU’s objectives of work-life balance and unemployment reduction. This initiative will culminate in the development of a manual encompassing skills and tools for trainers, along with the establishment of a training program for end users. Through transnational cooperation, the project is poised to facilitate cross-country learning, fostering collaboration and progress not only among project partners but also within focus groups across Europe.


The project plans to show the importance of the application of Emotional Intelligence tools, skills and strategies for workers, personal of HR department and trainers. The project will have a double line of intervention: one with the workers and HR departments and the other one with the HR departments and trainers, looking for the necessity of vertical and horizontal communication with a common goal.

Our Role

Innovation Hive, as an integral part of the consortium, uses their extensive expertise and prior experiences in the sectors of education, e-learning, social inclusion, training, coaching, curriculum design, and the implementation of EU-funded research and educational initiatives. For this reason, we are leading Work Package 4 (WP4) – the training week. Leveraging our knowledge and proficiency, we will orchestrate a comprehensive training program that equips HR professionals, trainers, and participants with essential competencies in Emotional Intelligence and self-motivation. Our role is not limited to the training aspect; we are instrumental in the development of curricula and training materials that align with the project’s objectives. This includes designing the framework for the training week, ensuring it meets the specific needs identified in the research phase, and delivering a holistic educational experience.

Boost Train Retain

Project Name: Contract, train and retain the best talent

Project ID: KA220-ADU-000089073

Start Date: 01/09/2022

End Date: 31/08/2024


🇧🇪 La Conseil

🇪🇸 Elebo
🇱🇻 Eiropas radoso iniciativu apvieniba

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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