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The CODEDU project seeks to revolutionize education by emphasizing the critical role of coding skills in the era of technological advancement. The project introduces a gamified e-learning platform and a detailed curriculum for teachers, enabling students to engage with Arduino modules and enhance their coding capabilities. By providing an affordable, visually appealing, and open-source solution, CODEDU aims to bridge the digital divide in schools, ensuring accessibility to coding education for all students, irrespective of financial constraints. Aligned with EU priorities on digital readiness and resilience, CODEDU stands out as a collaborative effort among partners from six European countries. Its innovative aspects lie in a zero-cost approach, a visually appealing design, and an open-source model, making it a valuable addition to the European digital education landscape.The CODEDU aims to bring about transformative changes in European schools, preparing students for the digital economy and fostering a network of educators dedicated to advancing coding education.


The CODEDU project seeks to revolutionize education by introducing innovative coding methodologies, aligning with the dynamic technological landscape. It emphasizes the significance of coding in fostering students’ cognitive abilities and knowledge absorption. With a tailored curriculum for teachers and a gamified e-Learning platform for students, CODEDU aims to make coding education accessible, appealing, and open source. The project not only supports innovators in schools but also contributes to EU’s digital agenda by preparing students for future careers in technology and engineering. Its cross-sectoral collaboration and transnational approach ensure a holistic impact on European education. CODEDU stands out for its affordability, appeal, simplicity, and open-source nature, providing a valuable resource for educators and learners across Europe.

Our Role

As the leader of Work Package 3 (WP3), Innovation Hive spearheads the co-creation workshop, an initiative aimed at tailoring the CODEDU platform to meet the specific needs of the target audience and school structures. This workshop emphasizes an inclusive and accessible design, ensuring that the platform resonates effectively with both students and teachers. In addition, Innovation Hive takes charge of developing the Student’s Toolkit (WP3-A2), a comprehensive resource offering analytical insights into navigating the platform’s features and providing guidance for independent research in the robotics field. This toolkit is a cornerstone in empowering students, fostering a deeper understanding of coding and robotics. Lastly, the organisation hosts the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Greece, facilitating collaborative discussions and ensuring the project’s overall coherence.


Project Name: CODEDU: Using new learning methodologies and coding with Arduino in education

Project ID: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000151376

Start Date: 10/01/2023

End Date: 30/09/2025




🇬🇷 Innovation Hive

🇬🇷 Innovation Bee

🇨🇾 Cyprus Computer Society

🇸🇮 GoINNO Inštitut

🇹🇷 Innomate Ltd.


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