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Cohesion Policy

The aim of the Cohesion Policy project is to foster a deeper comprehension of the comprehensive support provided by the Cohesion Policy across all EU regions. To achieve this, the project team will curate unique content and actively involve local communities and stakeholders, effectively conveying a holistic perspective on projects financed through the Cohesion Policy. By engaging with individuals through a variety of means, such as online games, events, and workshops, the project envisions that the general public will not only be motivated to participate but also to contribute their insights and establish priorities for the future direction of this policy.


The primary goal of the Cohesion Policy project is to educate not only Cypriot citizens but also those in Spain, Greece, and throughout the EU about the Cohesion Policy. This initiative aims to disseminate information regarding the policy, its investments, and its widespread impact, not only within the participating nations but also throughout the entirety of the European Union. In essence, the project seeks to raise awareness and understanding of the Cohesion Policy among the general public.

Our Role

Innovation Hive is a dynamic partner in the project, actively engaging in informing local communities about the Cohesion Policy funds. Additionally, we are assisting in organizing the EU regional policy conference, contributing to the compilation of success stories within Greece, and providing scenario ideas for the Cohesion Policy educational game. As the project progresses, we remain committed to participating in the final Conference in Cyprus, where we will present project outcomes and facilitate meaningful dialogue among participants, further enhancing the awareness and understanding of the Cohesion Policy.

Cohesion Policy

Project Name: Cohesion Policy stands by you!

Project ID: 2021CE16BAT001

Start Date: 01/09/2022

End Date: 31/08/2023


🇨🇾 Aspon Consulting Ltd






🇪🇸 Gestión Estratégica e Innovación

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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