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This project is mainly built on sustainable urbanism which refers to sustainably planning urban areas. In particular, sustainable refers to the urban design and planning centred on the natural environment and ecosystems. The CONTRIBUTE project is centred on the principle of making cities and human settlements safe, resilient, inclusive, and sustainable. It is based on the need to encourage re-use practices, i.e. revival of abandoned structures or areas, conversion of current urban assets, for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach towards urbanism. In response to this need, the CONTRIBUTE project aims to improve social cohesion based on a shared economy and create new synergies between the public, private, and social actors. It also aims to promote training and education opportunities among youth to increase their knowledge and awareness of green cities and urban sustainability through the creation of urban gardens. Furthermore, it will improve youth’s employability skills by blending entrepreneurship and green urban actions. Finally, it will address ecological issues with widely accessible, cost-free, and user-friendly modern and creative solutions.


The project partnership consists of four organizations and one local municipality regularly engaged in youth education, urban sustainability, farming, and gardening, as well as using digital technologies for education and training development. Consequently, the project will significant impact on the participating organizations, which will maximize the project’s output by disseminating the results to their local, regional, and national network. The project will also have a more significant impact at the European and international levels, through interacting with other organizations, municipalities, relevant authorities, beneficiaries, and target groups through dissemination efforts and by using relevant EU platforms such as Salto Youth and Erasmus+ Project Results page.

Our Role

Innovation Hive is the Quality, Monitoring, and Evaluation Leader of the project. The organization also leads the Digital guidebook for designing urban regeneration in abandoned or underutilized areas. The initial step for the development of this Digital Guidebook is desk research on the current policies to re-use abandoned areas and the collection of 15 best practices on environmentally friendly and sustainable urban actions. Then, a framework for designing urban regeneration will be developed, through which the identification of potential abandoned and underutilized places is also conducted.


Project Name: COmmuNity acTion foR sustaInaBle Urban developmenT among young pEople

Project ID: 2022-2-ES02-KA220-YOU-000093677

Start Date: 04/01/2023

End Date: 31/03/2025




🇹🇷 Avrasya Yenilikçi Toplum Derneği


🇧🇪 Future Development Initiative


🇦🇹 Education and Social Innovation Centre of Austria



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