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The EU Green Deal (2019) is written “Achieving a circular economy requires a full mobilisation of industry. It takes 25 years – a generation – to transform value chains. To be ready in 2050, actions need to be taken now.” In 2019, there were 3.3 million unemployed young people in the EU. 29% of youth is at risk of poverty or social exclusion and 11.6% are not included in the process of education, training.They also benefit less from mobility, including Erasmus+. GD HIVE project will give special attention in developing circular economy skills and competencies, especially focusing on youth business activities (whether the youth are entrepreneurs, business owners or they work for companies, or they are thinking to establish a start-up or even they are unemployed).


Due to the direct involvement of participants, the impacts will appear immediately and will disseminate GD HIVE information outside the partnership during the project. Project will have impacts mainly in the personal area of youth and other stakeholders. Acquired new knowledge and competencies will lead to a better understanding of Green Deal, Circular Economy, businesses, innovations, and empowerment, which will lead to a better quality of life and adequate understanding of environmental/sustainability issues. At the end of the project, the participating organisations will have developed IOs that will contribute to meeting the organizational real needs and helping youth. Partner organizations will have in-depth discussions, evaluations and reflection on the educational methods used, training content developed for youth via which they also evaluated their work. Due to the wide spectrum of organizations involved, the exchange of knowledge and experiences will take place in different areas (GD, CE, innovations, innovative businesses, ICT, youth training, micro-trainings, appropriate teaching methods, entrepreneurship, acceptance of cultural diversity). The development of intellectual results will contribute to strengthening the capacity of organizations.


Our Role

Innovation Hive will actively participate in all project’s activities and in the development of educational material. Moreover, Innovation Hive will be responsible for the development of the ‘’youth support programme and space’’ which will be implemented in IO4.



Project Name: Youth business activities in terms of circular economy to achieve Green Deal goals

Project ID: 2020-3-AT02-KA205-002846

Start Date: 01/02/2021

End Date: 31/07/2022


🇦🇹 Strateco OG


🇸🇮 Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja, Maribor






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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
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