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Financial education studies show that many migrants are not well prepared to make important financial decisions, who have specialized financial needs related to remittances, financial decisions, financial management, etc. Migrants are willing to seek further information to help make financial decisions. Better access to and use of basic financial services seems to be an area where improvement is needed and the levels of financial education they report are influenced by levels of education.INFINITY seeks not only to develop the migrants financial literacy skills but to develop a state of the art educational material including elements of entrepreneurship, soft skills and sustainability in order to increase self-employment and ensure that that migrants become productive members that contribute to society and thus promote the welfare and growth of the area they live in.


The expected results regarding migrants are: Thorough understanding of the concepts financially, financial context, content, concepts, and the importance of being financially literate improve financial skills and abilities needed to understand and manage day-to-day financial issues as well as recognize financial opportunities and make financial decisions, make financial plans, proper debt management, use of financial applications and much more. The final goal is to increase self employment.

Our Role

Innovation Hive will be leading the second work package, INFINITY’s competences framework for developing migrants’ financial literacy skills and helping them integrate into society. Moreover, will be leading the Dissemination activities of the project by designing the dissemination plan, drafting templates and developing the social media platforms. In addition, will be creating the Sustainability plan of the project. Despite the already mentioned, Innovation Hive will actively participate in the development of all work packages and be valuable asset throughout the project.


Project Name: An innovative approach to increase the financial literacy skills of migrants

Project ID: 2022-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000086853

Start Date: 01/11/2022

End Date: 31/10/2024






🇩🇪 The Square Dot team




🇬🇷 Gridustry




🇮🇹 Med.O.R.O. scarl



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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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