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MINECROP’s main objective is to enhance vocational education and training (VET) in agriculture by integrating game-based learning as a tool to demonstrate sustainable crop farming techniques. This initiative aims to make learning more interactive and engaging, thereby improving the effectiveness of training. Key results of the project will include the development and deployment of a customized Minecraft game that simulates real-world agricultural challenges, and the creation of a comprehensive guidebook detailing sustainable crop techniques. These results are designed to provide practical knowledge and digital tools for VET educators and students, enhancing their understanding and skills in modern, sustainable agriculture. The project’s methodology expects to leverage the engaging nature of video games to present complex agricultural knowledge and practices in an accessible format. By using this game-based education, the project will offer scenarios that require players to make decisions about crop management, pesticide use, and sustainability practices, thereby embedding deep learning through interactive experiences. MINECROP’s primary target groups are VET trainers and educators in agriculture, aiming to assist them in enriching their courses with interactive content that helps students become skilled farmers and entrepreneurs focused on sustainable practices. The project also targets VET students in the agricultural sector across six partner countries (Poland, Netherlands, Romania, Greece, Spain, and Estonia), providing them with a practical and engaging learning environment. The secondary target group includes self-employed farmers, agricultural entrepreneurs, and representatives from the agricultural sector, who will benefit from the project’s innovative approach to training and development. Additionally, the project aims to reach individuals in vulnerable or disadvantaged situations, such as those in remote or rural areas, women, people with low skills, and minorities, including migrants and refugees, ensuring inclusivity and broad access to the training provided.


MINECROP is set to significantly enhance the professional skills of all staff involved by deepening their understanding of contemporary agricultural needs targeted at the younger, environmentally conscious generation. This enrichment of expertise will be facilitated by the exchange of best practices between consortium members and external participants such as farmers, educators and stakeholders. Such collaborative efforts are designed to enable staff to better respond to the needs of MINECROP and future projects. The impact on the primary target group – VET trainers, educators and students in the agricultural sector – is significant and in line with MINECROP’s objectives. Expected benefits include adapting agricultural skills to meet green and digital market demands, improving access to resources, motivating young people towards sustainable farming, raising awareness of the modern role of agriculture, providing interactive VET training, addressing the lack of green skills, and providing tailored agricultural guidance in different regions. These outcomes will be supported by effective dissemination, exploitation and sustainability strategies to increase the reach and impact of the project. Furthermore, the introduction of digital learning tools and virtual classrooms promises significant benefits for the VET community, especially in adapting to challenges such as COVID-19, thereby revolutionising agricultural education.

Our Role

Innovation Hive will play an active role in all Work Packages and will contribute significantly to the development of the educational materials. We will provide valuable feedback throughout the development process and will translate the final Work Packages into Greek. In addition, Innovation Hive will lead the dissemination efforts to increase the impact of the project. Furthermore, we will be responsible for the evaluation and quality assurance of the project. Therefore, after a major activity like the release of a work package or a phase that requires attention, evaluation questionnaires will be distributed to the partners to ensure high quality. This extensive involvement ensures that Innovation Hive is involved in both the operational and strategic aspects of the project.


Project Name: MINECROP. Using Minecraft game in VET to learn about sustainable CROP farming techniques.

Project ID: 2023-1-PL01-KA220-VET-000150502

Start Date: 31/12/2023

End Date: 30/12/2025


🇵🇱 IHAR: Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roslin Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy Zaklad Doswiadczalny Grodkowice




🇪🇸 Asociación Valencia Inno Hub

🇬🇷 Innovation Hive



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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
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