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Even though the peak of 2015-2016 has considerably subsided, refugees, asylum seekers and migrants are still arriving in Europe every day. Their successful integration and inclusion is critical for our collective well-being, socially and economically: Migrants can contribute to addressing skill shortages in certain sectors, they are often the drivers of rural regeneration and can help address the demographic challenge in aging societies (McKinsey Global Institute, 2018). The daily reality shows though, that migrants are at a greater risk of social exclusion than the native population, especially when it comes to accessing health and social services, education, proper housing, and employment. Successful migration integration starts with enabling newly arrived migrants to access essential services and help them get settled and oriented in their new residence background. But regrettably, migrants frequently find themselves unable to access various forms of social support, from healthcare to housing to benefits which harms the integration process and leaves them isolated from society and marginalized. In this context, mobile applications are a useful tool to give a first roadmap and orientation essential. An app can help improving access to essential services like city halls, housing initiatives, job centers, health services, child support what else. Access to these services alone does not by default improve integration. It is furthermore necessary to know how to navigate these services – a task that is oftentimes made impossible by a language barrier and too little knowledge as well as the lack of a social support network. The project idea of NAVI-MIG was created as a contribution to inclusion and integration of recently arrived migrants, addressing the mentioned issues with the creation of the NAVI-MIG application which will provide to migrants an overview of and quick and easy access to key public services like welfare and healthcare services, integration programs, language teaching, educational and vocational training etc. Also, the project aims to provide training on the use of the NAVI-MIG application and familiarise migrants with local labor market and help with application and skills aquiring for a successful job market integration.


NAVI-MIGs aims to contribute to migrants being able to navigate the new residence country by oneself with increased self-confidence and self reliance via NAVI-MIG application and provide a roadmap to migrants that recently (within the last 2-3 years) arrived in their new resident country to help them get oriented and settled quickly. Also, its goal is to provide an overview of and quick and easy access to key public services like welfare and healthcare services, integration programs, language teaching, educational and vocational training etc. In addition, the project aims to decrease migrants barriers of using existing services by providing training on the NAVI-MIG application and support and facilitate the efforts of public administrations at local, national and EU level by increasing uptake of already existing programs by featuring them on the NAVI MIG application. Concretely, these goals will be reached for at least 250 stakeholders using the application by the end of the project. Further, NAVI-MIG will reach the following goals for at least 120 migrants (15 per partner country) that take part in the mentoring program. NAVI-MIG will improve chances of successful labor market integration for migrants via labor market training program and the digital inclusion platform, evident in the successful employment of training participants. The project will also further inclusion and integration processes by exchange and dissemination of best practices among partners and their networks.

Our Role

Innovation Hive will lead the dissemination activities of the project in order to maximize the outreach and impact of the project’s findings. Our organization will have a pivotal role in the execution of all project results. Specifically, on project result 5 that we will cooperate closely with the lead organization for the implementation of a Navi-Mig manual that aims to deliver a plan on how to sustain the results into the future and make it easy for others to build on the knowledge and results delivered through the project.


Project Name: Supporting migrants navigate essential services and labor market integration

Project ID: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000035306

Start Date: 11/01/2021

End Date: 05/01/2024


🇪🇸 Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de Teruel




🇫🇮 Learning for Integration ry

🇵🇹 Rightchallenge – Associação

🇪🇸 Gestión Estratégica e Innovación SL


🇧🇪 The Square Dot team

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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