The SkillsXcellerate project’s goal is to address the obstacles faced by youth, including a lack of entrepreneurial role models and skills, through entrepreneurship promotion with a focus on inclusion. Despite the augmented desire among EU youth to start businesses, only a small percentage actively pursue entrepreneurship due to various barriers. Women entrepreneurs are particularly underrepresented, missing out on economic growth opportunities. The project seeks to highlight the relevance of entrepreneurial skills in everyday life and provide support to disadvantaged youth through a guide for youth workers and inspiring success stories. These resources will be complemented by growth mindset materials and practical tools like a business canvas and idea bank. By offering structured resources and an experiential learning approach, the project is expected to facilitate the acquisition of 21st century skills and competencies, ultimately empowering youth to pursue successful entrepreneurial paths. Through SkillsXcellerate, youth programs can become beacons of support, paving the way for a promising future for young people.
Through SkillsXcellerate, our partnership aims to exchange best practices, improve the pedagogical and technical skills of youth workers, and strengthen networks. At the local level, we aim to maximize resources and capacity for institutions and educators. Nationally, we seek to advance education quality and competencies. At European level, we focus on raising awareness of entrepreneurial education’s benefits for youth, and especially women, and promoting its inclusion in communities.
Our Role
Innovation Hive is leading the development of the guide “Empowering Youth on Their Path to Independence” for youth workers, emphasizing the importance of entrepreneurial education for young people, especially those facing disadvantages. It discusses how the respective education enhances resilience, empowerment, and life skills, addressing challenges youth face in starting businesses. It provides strategies for motivation and outlines how youth workers can cultivate entrepreneurship abilities, aiming to guide young entrepreneurs towards success and contribute positively to the entrepreneurial ecosystem and youth sector. Furthermore, we will develop the project’s Dissemination Strategy, setting a clear pathway for SkillsXcellerate’s effective dissemination and promotion.
Project Name: Empowering youth on their path to independence through entrepreneurship
Project ID: 2023-2-SE02-KA220-YOU-000171087
Start Date: 02/01/2024
End Date: 31/03/2026
Coordinator: 🇸🇪 K&R EDUCATION Malmö AB
Partners: 🇸🇮 GoINNO Inštitut
🇸🇪 Flamman Socialt förebyggande centrum
🇬🇷 Innovation Hive
🇱🇹 Socialiniu Inovaciju Fondas
Project's Social: Pending
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