Research shows that humanities students face higher unemployment rates, especially in careers within the public sector (Eurostat). Meanwhile, STEM studies boast the lowest unemployment rates. By integrating STEM into humanities education, we’re empowering students with the skills they need to thrive. The aim of the Erasmus+ KA2 “STEM4HUMANITIES: STEM skills for Humanities” is to bridge the gap between STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and humanities education in order to address key issues in higher education. Through innovative online trainings, free educational materials, e-internships and cross-disciplinary approaches, STEM4Humanities will integrate STEM education into humanities curricula, train humanities professors in contemporary STEM teaching methods and equip humanities students for the demands of the modern workforce. As result more humanuties students, especially women, will follow STEM careers and a more diverse and inclusive educational landscape will be flourished.
STEM4Humanities aims to bridge the gap between STEM and the Humanities in order to transform higher education. We aim to improve employability and create new learning opportunities through our innovative initiatives, which include the Humanities Professors Upgrading Package for humanities professors, STEM Training Schemes and e-WBL/Humanities Students in Small Scale Businesses for students. To support the integration of STEM into humanities education, we are reaching out beyond our partner institutions and developing links across the region and Europe. We aim to have a lasting impact by using targeted dissemination and freely available educational materials, supporting the implementation of the EU’s Digital Education Action Plan and encouraging the creation of updated humanities education programmes. Together, we are reshaping the landscape of higher education and empowering students and educators alike for a better future.
Our Role
Innovation Hive plays a central role throughout the life of the project, overseeing all activities from inception to completion. In particular, it is taking the lead on Work Package 5, which focuses on capitalising and exploiting the results of the STEM4Humanities project. It provides guidance to partners through strategic methodologies, templates and promotional materials. In addition, Innovation Hive takes responsibility for the creation of the MOOC platform, focusing on the delivery of STEM skills training to humanities students.
Project Name: STEM Skills for Humanities
Project ID: 2023-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000164647
Start Date: 01/11/2023
End Date: 23/10/2025
Coordinator: 🇮🇹 University of Macerata
Partners: 🇬🇷 Metropolitan College
🇬🇷 Innovation Hive
🇭🇷 Mykolo Romerio Universitas
🇵🇱 Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
🇬🇪 Georgian Int University GIU
🇺🇦 Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
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