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This project aims to raise awareness on the nutritional and health benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption. Through proper education the project will attempt to make people understand that even fruits or vegetables that may be deformed or look unusual still have the nutritional value and taste the same as the regular ones. This project comes to respond to this challenge, through the development of an innovative educational program for VET trainers involved in the training of professionals involved in the food supply chain, to: 1) give them knowledge and awareness on the importance of keeping these produce in the economy in the frames of food waste reduction, 2) the significant role they can play in the “ugly” fruits and vegetable waste reduction in the frames of sustainable production and consumption, 3) become “ambassadors” to consumers by increasing their awareness of the importance of “ugly” fruits and vegetable waste reduction in the frames of sustainable consumption. The main objective of the project is to give VET trainers sufficient knowledge and skills in order to train food supply chain professionals on the importance of “ugly” fruits and vegetable waste reduction in the frames of sustainable consumption, develop a trainning program for VET trainers, create e-learning platforms modules with digital interactive stories and To assign a key role to VET Trainers to contribute to shaping sustainable development values


The project is suppose to have great impact on multiple levels. It is estimated that of the total amount of food that is produced globally for human consumption, roughly one-third of the world’s edible fruits and vegetables are removed from the food supply chain every year to be disposed of and wasted. Consumers really invest on a good appearence before they make a purchase assuming that the better it looks the more nutritions, something that does not apply in this case. The aim is to change the general thing of the consumer and the food supply chain professionals through a proper education in this matter.


Our Role

Innovation hive will have an active role and will contribute in the development of all the project results while disseminating the projects progress in order to have better outreach. More specifically, will be the leading organization for the development of the e-learning platform, which will host all the developed educational material and the interactive activities.


Project Name: "Ugly" fruits and veggies...NOT! An innovative educational program towards sustainable consumption and food waste reduction

Project ID: 2021-2-PL01-KA220-VET-000050880

Start Date: 31/05/2022

End Date: 30/05/2024

















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