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The “Inspiring the Next Generation of Innovators through Technology and Empathy” (IGNITE) project is a collaborative initiative between higher education institutions and NGOs across Europe. It aims to promote environmentally sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education. IGNITE focuses on equipping students with the skills and competencies needed to address global environmental challenges through personalized learning practices, gamified approaches, and digital solutions. The project is structured around four key work packages (WPs) that emphasize the development and implementation of innovative, student-tailored learning practices. These practices include the creation of 10 nanolearning modules and a virtual learning garden designed to engage students with interactive exercises. In addition, IGNITE will adapt a competency monitoring application featuring an AI-driven ChatBot for student career guidance. The initiative also prioritizes staff training on digital tool development, and the establishment of an IgniteSphere e-room to foster sustainable business ideation and collaboration. IGNITE aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry by encouraging collaboration among stakeholders. By integrating technology and empathy into education, IGNITE seeks to inspire a new generation of innovators who can creatively and critically address sustainability challenges.


The IGNITE project will have a broad impact, benefiting participating organizations, local communities, and the wider European educational and industrial landscape. Each partner will contribute to various aspects of the project, enhancing the overall learning environment in higher education (HE) and NGOs. The project will foster new competencies and approaches, such as the development of nanomodules, digital tools, and reward systems for innovative learning platforms, which will be integrated into partner curricula and workshop programs. Participating institutions will strengthen their expertise in fields like nano-, eco-, and plasma technologies, sustainable construction, and biomaterials, while also expanding their international research and development networks. IGNITE will benefit local and regional communities by raising awareness of sustainable practices, fostering collaboration between HEIs, businesses, and NGOs, and promoting sustainable living. At the European level, it will support innovative educational practices and interdisciplinary cooperation through shared resources like e-guidelines. The project will also connect industry with a skilled workforce via the IgniteSphere Sustainability Community, enhancing sustainable innovation sectors across Europe.

Our Role

Innovation Hive leads the preparation of the report on the use of innovative learning methods, which involves designing a feedback questionnaire for students and professors, analyzing the collected responses, and preparing the content of the report. In addition, Innovation Hive organizes a two-day staff training session focused on innovative digital tools for student career guidance, where participants from all partner institutions will train their staff. Finally, Innovation Hive leads the development of e-guidelines that promote competencies for sustainable innovation in higher education. These guidelines will summarize the project’s innovative learning practices and supporting digital tools, providing valuable insights for institutions looking to integrate sustainable innovation into their curricula.


Project Name: Inspiring the next Generation of Innovators through Technology and Empathy

Project ID: 2024-1-SI01-KA220-HED-000256240

Start Date: 01/09/2024

End Date: 31/08/2026





🇸🇮 Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja



🇳🇴 Norwegian University of Science and Technology


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
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