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The rising number of NEETs among the youth is a growing concern. This project is dedicated to addressing crucial competences like entrepreneurship, digitalization, and fostering connections between NEET women and socially entrepreneurial employers across the EU. On one hand, the project aims to cultivate skills essential for thriving in the 21st-century job market. On the other hand, it endeavors to forge networks between young female job-seekers and established social entrepreneurs, effectively bridging the gap in the labor market. Furthermore, the initiative offers training to youth workers and educators on how to effectively engage young NEET women in the realm of social entrepreneurship. In summary, the WeNEETlabs project strives to combat social exclusion and unemployment among young NEETs, with a special focus on women, by nurturing key competences such as entrepreneurship and digital literacy within the context of social entrepreneurship labs.


The project’s primary goal is to offer insights into employment opportunities and valuable solutions for today’s societal and economic challenges faced by young individuals. Ultimately, the educational and digital resources developed within WeNEETlabs will not only benefit the intended disadvantaged groups but will also serve as adaptable materials that can be leveraged through cooperative efforts stemming from the project.

Our Role

Innovation Hive, as the driving force behind Activity 2 within the 3rd Work Package, will take the helm in designing and developing a multilingual project website. This website will serve as a dynamic platform for disseminating the project’s results to a wide audience. Additionally, Innovation Hive’s pivotal role extends to the establishment of the ‘WeNEETlabs job portal.’ This innovative platform is poised to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers, fostering valuable connections in the labor market.


Project Name: Social entrepreneurship labs for women NEETs in a post- COVID era

Project ID: 2022-1-NO02-KA220-YOU-000088071

Start Date: 01/11/2022

End Date: 31/10/2024


🇳🇴 Oslo International Hub AS




🇮🇹 Exeo Lab Srl




🇧🇪 The Square Dot team


🇨🇾 The Hud Nicosia

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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