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As a result of the massive transformative trends such as 4th industrial revolution, climate change and shift to a circular economy, economic volatility, demographic changes, and COVID-19, in the coming decades, the workforce across all sectors must possess a range of competencies in order to adapt to changes and have a satisfying career and a fulfilling life. The Future Work 4s project aims at developing a gamified open online course to equip academic students with 4 skills that will be in high demand in the labour market and society in the 4th industrial revolution. The future-oriented trans-disciplinary curriculum will combine 4 topics: digital skills, green skills and environmental awareness, entrepreneurship and innovation, and social skills. The gamification will also integrate the content in an engaging learning environment, combined with interactive exercises, and real-world practical challenges.


At the local, regional, and national levels, the Work4s’s methodology expects to help students who study for teachers and ICT teachers to improve their transferable competencies – digital readiness, environmental awareness, sense of initiative, social skills, and knowledge about the labour market, and to transmit them to their pupils in the future, thus increasing their general awareness, and affecting their career decisions and further education choices. Course participants will also have the chance to experience learning from a different point of view and to come in contact with real working processes. At European and international levels, the consortium, along with their international networks and their connections to relevant European networks of educational institutions, will implement transnational dissemination of project outputs and create indirect impact at a European level. It is expected that at least 300 students will be directly involved in the pilot courses by the end of the project.

Our Role

Innovation Hive leads the Interactive Exercises. There are about 16 interactive exercises, that will be incorporated in the Future Work 4s gamified MOOC. Each of the 4 courses (digital skills, green skills, entrepreneurship skills, and social/career skills) will include 4 thematic exercises. Besides the innovative and comprehensive training content of the MOOC, the partners will develop interactive and engaging assessment game-based methods and tools. The exercises will be developed around a consistent methodology and will include the learning content of the tools, instructions for learners, as well as assistive feedback. Through them, learners will be able to immediately assess what they have learned in the 4 courses. This will allow learners to autonomously use the MOOC, even when they are not supported by teachers. Thus, the partnership will apply digital technologies in higher education to make learning more attractive, engaging, and inclusive.


Project Name: Future Work 4’s

Project ID: KA220-HED-6725C470

Start Date: 15/02/2023

End Date: 31/12/2024








🇨🇿 Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze



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