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You Heal

YOUHEAL is a forward-thinking project designed to address the mental health needs of young people, especially in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic. By providing vital support and timely intervention, the project aims to empower these individuals to overcome mental distress and build psychological resilience. To achieve this, YOUHEAL emphasizes the scaling up of existing mental health support systems while incorporating innovative elements such as digital tools and outdoor activities, recognizing the ongoing limitations on indoor socializing.


YOUHEAL offers an interactive learning experience based on innovative methods and approaches, catering to both staff and youth. The project’s innovative foundations include providing trainers with new expertise, flexible and integrative content, engaging learning methods, and the application of innovative didactical methods like micro-training and storytelling, ultimately contributing to transformative decision-making and business behavior changes within organizations.


The project has big potential for wider impact on several levels: EU: achieved via partner networks and ongoing projects in which partners are already involved. All partners have a wide network of organizations in their own countries. Publishing an article in a journal related to project areas will expand dissemination beyond EU borders. Focus will be given on personal growth training organizations (non-formal, informal training organizations, youth trainings, etc.). NATIONAL: actively disseminating and presenting YOUHEAL at national conferences, workshops dealing with the similar topics. Partners will attend at least one such event and present YOUHEAL, thus expanding project audience. Contribution at national level will be provided via national workshops. LOCAL: partner organizations will actively integrate project results into organizational structures and existing training programs. Project learning activities and events will be available to external stakeholders and allow their involvement, resulting in more effective dissemination. This will have further effects as target groups will internalize results, recognize them as their own and integrate them into their activities. At events, we expect participants from local, regional, national, EU and non-EU environments. Impact will be equally spread in participating organizations and will include the following:

• increased interest of participants in personal growth and education, digitalisation, etc.

• new knowledge of social issues, personal growth, social inclusiveness

• new competencies of all staff involved with the project

• increased recognition of the importance of improving organizations’ capacities

• increased acceptance of common European values, multiculturalism

• enhanced international cooperation of organizations and individuals

• contribution to the empowerment of participants Benefits for groups and organisations outside the partner consortium:

• learning materials (app, e-course, e-textbook) to be widely recognized as a subject of effective training and incorporated into non-formal education of other organizations • outputs recognized as high quality teaching, educational and didactic material that can be used for independent learning, summer schools, learning in groups, etc.

• app, platform and e-course recognized as innovative, interactive, user-friendly and well attended

• other stakeholders outside consortium use our project results and modify (e.g. translate into their national languages, add teaching methods or content) and train learners according to our outputs

• app with micro-trainings, storytelling will be widely used by staff in various organizations and youths across EU

Our Role

In the You Heal project, Innovation Hive takes on a central role as they lead Work Package 4, focusing on the architecture of the project’s web app that will serve as the platform for hosting the educational material, the 30 micro-training lessons. Their responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks, including the preparation of these micro-training modules, integrating storytelling elements, contributing to the e-textbook, engaging with target groups and actively contributing to the dissemination of project outcomes. Innovation Hive’s leadership in Work Package 4 is instrumental in ensuring the successful development and implementation of the web app and micro-training lessons, as well as in enhancing the overall impact and reach of the You Heal project.

You Heal

Project Name: Fostering mindfulness and strengthening youth mental health capacity in the post-Covid time recovery

Project ID: 2022-1-RO01-KA220-YOU-000086305

Start Date: 01/09/2022

End Date: 29/02/2024




🇸🇮 Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja








🇸🇮 Zavod Moc za spremembo

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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