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Building Resilience: The Green Health Project’s Game-Changing RESILIENCE BOOKLET

Working with weak women may be challenging in the fields of healthcare and social services. Both the employees’ organizations and themselves may be impacted by the stress. The RESILIENCE BOOKLET, a special tool that assists people in handling pressure, enters the picture at this point.

Acknowledging the Situation

It’s common for there to be a lot of employee turnover and stress in places like therapeutic communities and social cooperatives. This impacts the interactions between the organizations and the individuals they support, as well as the organizations themselves. And it’s become much more challenging with COVID-19.


The Resilience Booklet functions as a road map. It aids in the development of resilience in employees, improving their capacity to manage stress. It also aids in selecting students who possess the skills necessary to function well under pressure.

What It Does

The Big Five concept is used in the booklet to examine people’s personalities. This model evaluates five traits: openness, caution, friendliness, extroversion, and calmness. It helps employers identify workers who may have stress issues by creating profiles that highlight what makes each employee unique in their line of work.
Not only does it provide excellent guidance on coping with stress and difficult circumstances, but it also focuses on identifying resilient qualities. It’s kind of like a comprehensive guide for everyone in social services and healthcare.

What It Does and How It Differs
The Resilience Booklet is unique since it is the first of its kind. It’s a significant deal, as a result. It is predicted to:
Make teachers more effective in their duties.
~Aid organizations in lowering employee turnover, maintaining stable teams, investing in their workforce, and improving how they interact with the people they are trying to aid.

In the Future: Who Can Use It?

Not exclusively for the Green Health Project, the RESILIENCE BOOKLET is available. Its principles may be applied in several contexts to assist people in managing stress and performing better at work.
The Green Health Project’s Resilience Booklet is all about assisting individuals in succeeding in difficult occupations. It’s a significant step toward building a healthcare and social services system that is more robust, efficient, and compassionate.

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