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Completion of WBL-Pathway to youth empowerment project

WBL-Pathway to youth empowerment is an Erasmus+ project focused on upskilling youth and foster employability.The first objective of this project was to map the adverse conditions that youth is facing and establish a pathway to their empowerment. As the partnership consists of organizations from Greece, Bulgaria, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Poland the developed material is quite representative to the current conditions that youth is dealing with. To this end, we gladly present you the final deliverables of this project:

EUROPEAN WBL GOOD PRACTICESPRACTICAL GUIDEWBL VET POLICY are online documents integrated in a form of open educational recourses into the WBL NETWORKING PLATFORM. Following the registration to the WBL platform, all users will be able to establish an international network!Through the development and the application of the final deliverables of this project, we have contributed to reinstatement of youth unemployment providing stronger potential of partner entities to support youth empowerment through the navigation into the WBL Community international network, increased working capacity and quality of actions of the involved partners preparing them to be youth mentors, and the development of quality standards framework for youth employment.

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