Innovation Hive joins the SCE-VET project with a mission to cultivate a socially inclusive and environmentally responsible economy. At the heart of this endeavour is the convergence of circular economy (CE) principles and social entrepreneurship, bridging the gap between profit and social impact.
Our primary focus is on empowering VET students and teachers, while extending the reach of SCE-VET outcomes to social enterprises and local stakeholders committed to inclusion efforts. Through a comprehensive survey, we sought to gain insights that would better align educators and learners with the evolving needs and opportunities of the labour market, as well as foster a deeper connection between work, community needs and social diversity.
The responses collected have been instrumental in the development of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), which is tailored to VET students and teachers. This course serves as a platform for learners to explore the intricacies of the social circular economy, drawing inspiration from a variety of learning methods, materials and real-life case studies drawn from organisational operations.
Our survey of 81 organisations in 8 European countries revealed that different initiatives are integrating social principles into their business models. From long-established companies to emerging start-ups, from traditional textile firms to cutting-edge technology SMEs, these organisations aren’t just chasing profits; they’re making a tangible social impact.
The breadth of diversity is staggering, encompassing organisations of all sizes and spanning a wide range of sectors. This diversity not only enriches our understanding, but also underlines the universal appeal of circular economy principles. Whether it is a small team or a multinational corporation, the commitment to sustainability resonates across borders.For those interested in delving deeper into our findings, we invite you to explore our comprehensive report: Mapping the integration of SCE in society.