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Supporting the Digital Transformation of Social Economy Organisation’s project.

As the technology gets more and more advanced, the need for modernization has been awaken in every field. For example, in the field of education, although great changes have already been made it could get even more advanced, so that the teaching process can get improved.

Therefore, DIGI:GO project aims to enhance the teaching and learning approaches with the use of online tools and training programs for adult educators. DIGI:GO is an Erasmus + project with a topic on education and training. Sectors of the project will mainly be adult educators. The project is aiming to support adult educators, VET providers, teachers and other professionals from social and education field, while innovative online tools are being implemented on their teaching approaches. The goal of this project is to enrich the pedagogical methods that are already being used with inspired, flexible and modernized online tools that will prepare them to customize each training programme according to the target group. The hope is that notable advantages will verify the need for this implementation and the continuing improvement in that specific field.

DIGI:GO project is categorized into four project results. The first one is about a Toolkit of Digital Skills Development, the second one is an In-service Training Programme, the third one is the creation of an E-learning Platform and the fourth and last project result is the Policy Paper.

Innovation Hive possesses a fundamental part in the completion of the whole project since they will be active in all of them and they will contribute in the development of all the project results. In addition to that they will lead the development of the E-learning platform with support of all partners.

The project’s starting date is on 1/02/2022 and finishing date is on 31/01/2024. So far the kickoff meeting in Lisbon has been completed with great success, the partners got together, met each other and had the first talks regarding the project.

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