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BoostDigiCulture Unleashes Digital Brilliance for Cultural Professionals!

In the heart of BoostDigiCulture’s Project Result 3 (PR3), a treasure trove awaits busy cultural professionals. Picture this: 30 easily accessible microlearning videos—a goldmine for those juggling hectic schedules.

These nuggets of wisdom are divided into three modules: information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, and digital content creation. Tailored with precision, they address the specific needs of small and medium-sized cultural institutions.

Why the buzz? This initiative aims to enhance the digital skills of adult cultural professionals, aligning seamlessly with the Professional Digital Competence Profile (PDP).

Who stands to gain? The lifeblood of our cultural heritage—small and medium-sized cultural institutions It’s a flexible, relevant, and ready-to-use toolkit for a digital transformation.

So, what’s next? Join us on this transformative journey! Let’s infuse our cultural sphere with newfound digital brilliance.

Learn more in the project’s website :

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