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Empowering Young Women Entrepreneurs: Insights from the EMPOWER Final Event

At a recent event at Kek Learn it, dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship among young women, the EMPOWER project took centre stage, highlighting its innovative strategies and tangible deliverables. Participants were engaged in discussions around the EMPOWER STRATEGY, a key approach aimed at gathering real insights from women who want to become entrepreneurs or enter
this particular labour market. This strategy serves as a cornerstone for developing prospects and helping them learn to find their way through the complex landscape of the entrepreneurial world. Through engagement with young women seeking to undertake entrepreneurial ventures, the project lays the groundwork for addressing critical gaps in skills and knowledge necessary for success in today’s labor market.

During the event the Empower Strategy was presented.  The purpose of this strategy is to provide valuable insights by engaging with young women aspiring to venture into entrepreneurship or join specific labor markets. At its core, the strategy involves gathering authentic data directly from these individuals, training organizations, and key postsecondary administrators. Additionally, the strategy emphasizes the importance of transversal skills – those essential competencies that transcend specific professions or industries. Through pinpointing existing gaps and deficiencies in these skill sets, we can tailor our interventions and support mechanisms effectively. 

One of the highlights of the event was the presentation of the eLearning Platform, which is designed to develop seven key employability skills. These modules, which have been precisely designed to cover different aspects of social entrepreneurship, offer a comprehensive roadmap for skills enhancement and professional development. From an understanding of business models to knowledge of project management and marketing strategies, participants gain invaluable insights into the nuances of social entrepreneurship. The platform’s emphasis on creative thinking, social innovation and sustainability emphasises the project’s commitment to promoting the holistic development of young women entrepreneurs.

Recognising the crucial role of women’s entrepreneurship in promoting economic growth and innovation, the European Commission has put a focus on empowering young women in this field. Exploiting the potential of digital platforms and innovative methodologies, the project seeks not only to empower individual entrepreneurs but also to contribute to the wider economic development agenda.

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