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During last week a 5-days interactive workshop took place in Vienna, Austria in the context of Flourish Centers project. The project encourages youth aged 18-30 to work collaboratively with disadvantaged elderly adults over the age of 65 to create and record the process of creation of a cultural heritage product. Also, supports an environment of knowledge and skill exchange, active cultural participation and digital capacity building within a framework of cooperation and meaningful learning, which is the basic foundation for a less divided and exclusionary society.

The aim of the training activity was to train adult educators/trainers on how to use the project’s methodology from PR1 “FLOURISHING”: Online Learning Platform” to develop their pedagogical practices, especially in regards to intergenerational learning. In the first days of training, the 6 modules which were developed in the previous months of project’s implementation evaluated by the C1 participants. In addition, the participants had the opportunity to cooperate with seniors in intergenerational activities, like cooking and video recording. Furthermore, a fruitful brainstorming amongst participants evoked ideas on how the partnership can develop an action plan and implement the local Intergenerational Cultural Affinity Spaces.

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