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Food Waste Reduction Education: Τhe UglyFruitsNOT! continues with Innovative Initiatives

The UglyFruitsNOT! project continues its implementation with the completion of second and third project results. The project aims to raise awareness about the nutritional and health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables that have an incompatible appearance. Through appropriate education the project will try to make people understand that even fruits or vegetables that may be misshaped or look unusual still have the nutritional value and taste the same as normal ones.

Specifically, project results two, comes to meet this challenge through the development of an innovative training program for VET trainers involved in training professionals involved in the food supply chain, in order to 1) provide them with knowledge and awareness of the importance of keeping these products in the economy in the context of food waste reduction, 2) the important role they can play in reducing the waste of “ugly” fruits and vegetables in the context of The main objective of the project is to provide VET trainers with sufficient knowledge and skills to educate food supply chain professionals on the importance of reducing ‘ugly’ fruit and vegetable waste in the context of sustainable consumption. The material developed is divided into four modules which are:

  1. The concept of ‘ugly fruit and vegetable waste’ and its importance for reducing food waste
  2. Fruit and vegetable supply chain – their key actors, strategies and initiatives to reduce fruit and vegetable waste
  3. Digital technologies and green (social) initiatives to reduce fruit and vegetable waste
  4. European and national policies to minimise fruit and vegetable waste

These modules have been developed in all partner languages and have been uploaded to the e-learning platform where all those who register will be able to get in touch with the training material.

Subsequently, deliverable three consists of the creation of four interactive stories. These interactive stories are created for each training module in order to help learners learn and assimilate the module in a fun and interactive way. The UglyFruitsNOT! digital interactive stories/modules will be a stimulating tool in the hands of VET trainers to engage their learners in engaging, motivating and playful activities through gamification, allowing the use of game elements in non-playful activities. contexts.

Stay tuned and follow the project on its social media to be the first to know the latest news.

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