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Green Health: Unlocking Skills through Healing Gardens

The Erasmus+ KA2 project “Green Health: Unlocking Skills through Healing Gardens” was launched in November 2021 with a duration of 24 months. GREEN HEALTH has been designed for the upskilling of both women and adult educators, combining training work, therapy, upskilling for employability, eco-approaches and agriculture leading to an innovative rehabilitation path combining eco-approach and therapy.

The project’s main objectives are:

  • Support the empowerment and the acquisition of competences of vulnerable women and facilitate tailored learning opportunities
  • Increase the competences and the tools of adult educators for vulnerable women’ competences acquisition and integration
  • Facilitate adult educators understanding of the intersectionality between eco-approach/health/ acquisition of competences and therapy
  • Enhance the offer of educational tools and pathways promoting women suffering severe vulnerabilities learning and rehabilitation
  • Contribute to EU awareness in terms of intersectionality between environment and Health and Sustainability
  • Contribute to EU awareness and dialogue on mental health and social exclusion among women

The main project results which will aim to achieve the foreseen objectives of the project are:

  • PR1 – Modules for adult educators on Horticultural Therapy, Healing Garden and benefits on vulnerabilities: The adult educators MODULES will provide adult educators and organizations working with vulnerable adults with the information, skills and competences needed to be able to use horticultural therapy and healing gardens to support vulnerable women acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences and at the same time rehabilitate themselves, to foster their empowerment and to facilitate social inclusion.
  • PR2 – THE RESILIENCE BOOKLET stress and burnout in adult educators and how to identify resilient personality characteristics: The RESILIENCE BOOKLET aims to support the organizational well-being, building prototypes of personality structures that can identify those characteristics that support the resilience of workers and also offering the opportunity to have Adult Educators Modules lines for selecting subjects which are more “resilient” and able to cushion the effects of stress.
  • PR3 – THE TRAINING MODULES: Healing Garden & Self- Production – how to enhance vulnerable youth’s competences and skills and foster their social inclusion: The training modules will be co-designed with the adult educators thanks to the sharing of practices and training in the consortium (Joint Staff Training Events) and vulnerable women (testing phase -Pilot Course), guaranteeing the customization in each country with the respective women target group. The modules will be designed to acquire key competences and skills.
  • PR4 – The Learner’s Gaming Space: The aim of this project result is to enhance and improve significant elements of the project’s successful implementation, such as sustainability, transferability and accessibility. The Game will be an interactive web space which will offer a digital e-learning path where the material of the training ‘modules for women and adult educators will be collected and transformed through gaming activities facilitated for vulnerable women. It will include two sections, one for adult educators and one for vulnerable women.

Innovation Hive will be participating in all project results and dissemination activities. Also, our organization will lead the PR4 – Learner’s Gaming Space, the second short joint staff training event on Creative Design Thinking, Healing Garden and Health and the training session on Gaming during the third short joint staff training event.

The consortium of the project consists of 5 organizations from 4 European countries, especially as project’s coordinator the D’Antilles et D’Ailleurs from Martinique, and the partners No Gap from Italy, Inspira from Portugal and Innovation Hive and Kinoniki Sineteristiki Epihirisi (COB) from Greece.

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