In the dynamic landscape of Vocational Education and Training (VET), staying ahead means embracing innovation and relevance. In our SCE-VET project, we have embarked on a journey to revolutionise VET through the development of the Social Circular VET Method Canvas.
Inspired by the existing Social Circular Business Method Canvas, our ambition was to transfer its principles into a tool specifically tailored to VET. The Social Circular VET Method Canvas is an innovative framework designed to answer critical questions and guide educators, students and entrepreneurs in understanding and implementing SCE in VET environments. It has been developed as an illustrated and animated template full of potential. VET teachers at all levels, VET students and entrepreneurs can use its structure to develop new SCE models or document existing ones.
What does SCE really mean in practice? Who needs SCE? What are its consequences, benefits and challenges? These are the fundamental questions that the Canvas addresses, providing clarity and actionable insights for educators and learners alike.
Explore the possibilities with the Social Circular VET Method Canvas (available in English, Swedish, Italian, Romanian, Polish, Spanish, Dutch and Greek) and be part of the transformation towards a more sustainable future.